Wednesday, 21 May 2008

the battle in moscow

Let us put the shit once again into the bin. There is only manchester's rules in moscow. Kick Chelsea out from Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, as this is manchester's rules. The Red Devils are marching to the another Champion for this season. There will be no blues and rules for Chelski later tonight because this is machester's rules!


ZhiHao Chua said...

glory glory man utd!!!!

Anonymous said...

I miss mourinho. No mourinho, no trophy. Supporting Derby next season until the great mourinho had a club. (Mourinho record vs man U 5win 3draw, 1lost. Avram Grant current record 1 win 2 lost.)

Anonymous said...

At least some good come out of it. My lecturer is a man u fan (saw him wear jersey last time). My combustion report due tomorrow one had been extended to monday

I miss mourinho

Anonymous said...

I know Man united win n u r happy lah! But dun have to sms me that early leh. Man~~ i just get into my dream and sleep for 2 hour only during that time.

Alvin Ngo said...

HaHa, i sms to most of the people. Especially those chelsea loyalty fan.keke, yea avram cant fight with Ferguson. He is still newbie. Cheers