Thursday, 17 April 2008

The Ang Mo

I had a really bad presentation today, i think i didnt do well in the presentation. Compare with others group, our presentation was just a piece of cake >.< what a bad bad bad day.

And the ang mo, can you speak more louder and clearer! I dont really understand what you're talking about. I have to guess on everytime what are you guys talking about. Dont try to speak in lazy pronunciation that mix up all the words together, speak slowly and rise up your volume, we might have a good conversation. Thank Mate!

so tired to cook,

so tired to study,

so tired to play,

so tired to do laundry,

so tired to eat,

I might need a good rest.

I wanna go Pulau Perhentian

I wanna go homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Anonymous said...

aww.... i miss home too!

i'll go cook for u when i go over la... so cheer up k?

anyway ang mos r stupid...

Alvin Ngo said...

haha thanks, some of the ang mo are quite good also. It will take some time to understand their every single words xD no worries