Woke up late today and suddenly something blinked through my mind, OMG !!! the submission of my assignment was before noon, and it was 11:19am at that moment. (I was always thought it could be submitted before 5pm until i discovered from the question sheet) I did "everything" within 10 min and "chiong" to the university. Luckily, it was still on time.
Everyone is going to karaoke lately, and seriously i have been like few months never go sing karaoke : ( Redbox, Greenbox ,whateverbox, cheap and good! As if i can go back in june, i must go to redbox. Oh well, my friend, charlie, told me that there's going to have flights fly from sydney to KL and cost only RM1000++ .This's so cheap and i really cant believe on it. This is crazy and ridiculous! Hope this turns to be the truth.
Another 2,500 words for the next assignment due on 30 April 2008! This week suppose to be holiday week but ... the assignments never come to an end . . .
pr o pe rty co n c e p t p r o p ert y c on ce p t pro pe rty c o nc e p t p r op er ty c o n c e p t pr o p er t y c o nce p t .......